Please describe the problem.

Reference: issue/discovery in repronim/containers while adding neurodesk images

  • apparently we had no URLs made registered with images despite running registerurl KEY ANNEX
  • some images do have urls

took awhile to grasp what is going on and then I found an unfinished reproducer from Mar 15 2021 without recollection why I have not finished it, but it seems that it might be "operator error" somehow? but seems unlikely... might be datalad special remote bug?

Summary of the problem: if there is an external git-annex-remote which CLAIMURL - git-annex registerurl does not associate that URL with any (that external or web) remote and thus does not make that key available to the user despite knowing the url.

Should it btw default to web if no remote is associated with it?

Filed complimentary registerurl --remote REMOTE TODO since in this case I would have preferred to just register against web remote.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

Here is a new "quick" reproducer but you need datalad being installed to get git-annex-remote-datalad.


export PS4='> '

set -eu
set -x

cd "$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/dl-XXXXXXX)"

git init
git annex init

# It works fine if we do not enable  datalad  special remote!
# so it is something about interaction there
git annex initremote datalad externaltype=datalad type=external encryption=none autoenable=true uuid=65b6c36b-debd-4a23-8fa3-675cbd200496
git annex enableremote datalad

git annex info

# so it seems that addurl does it right 
git annex addurl --debug --file 123.dat

# but if I do via registerurl -- not quite so
echo 124 > 124.dat
git annex add 124.dat
key=$(readlink -f 124.dat | xargs basename)
git annex registerurl --debug "$key"

git commit -m 'added those two files with urls'

git annex whereis --debug 123.dat
git annex whereis --debug 124.dat

git checkout git-annex
: # URLs are known for both
git grep oneukrainian
: # but only 123.dat would be associated with datalad remote
git grep 65b6c36b-debd-4a23-8fa3-675cbd200496

With full log here and without --debug ending up like

❯ grep -v '^\[' | tail -n 29
(recording state in git...)
> git commit -m 'added those two files with urls'
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
 create mode 120000 123.dat
 create mode 120000 124.dat
> git annex whereis --debug 123.dat
whereis 123.dat [2023-03-31 18:29:27.56573965] (Utility.Process) process [1429290] chat: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","-c","annex.debug=true","cat-file","--batch"]
(2 copies) 
    62c53770-5274-40d4-a45a-de308c234ea9 -- yoh@bilena:~/.tmp/dl-FbOrptq [here]
    65b6c36b-debd-4a23-8fa3-675cbd200496 -- [datalad]

> git annex whereis --debug 124.dat
whereis 124.dat [2023-03-31 18:29:27.857735575] (Utility.Process) process [1429322] chat: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","-c","annex.debug=true","cat-file","--batch"]
(1 copy) 
    62c53770-5274-40d4-a45a-de308c234ea9 -- yoh@bilena:~/.tmp/dl-FbOrptq [here]
> git checkout git-annex
Switched to branch 'git-annex'
> :
> git grep oneukrainian
060/68b/SHA256E-s4--ca2ebdf97d7469496b1f4b78958f9dc8447efdcb623953fee7b6996b762f6fff.dat.log.web:1680301767.477711756s 1 :
ae1/21c/SHA256E-s4--181210f8f9c779c26da1d9b2075bde0127302ee0e3fca38c9a83f5b1dd8e5d3b.dat.log.web:1680301767.037966322s 1 :
> :
> git grep 65b6c36b-debd-4a23-8fa3-675cbd200496
ae1/21c/SHA256E-s4--181210f8f9c779c26da1d9b2075bde0127302ee0e3fca38c9a83f5b1dd8e5d3b.dat.log:1680301767.038748415s 1 65b6c36b-debd-4a23-8fa3-675cbd200496
remote.log:65b6c36b-debd-4a23-8fa3-675cbd200496 autoenable=true encryption=none externaltype=datalad name=datalad type=external timestamp=1680301766.517251391s
uuid.log:65b6c36b-debd-4a23-8fa3-675cbd200496 datalad timestamp=1680301765.789226249s

so - both keys have urls, but only 123.dat one is associated with datalad special remote, and only it has url reported by whereis

What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?

10.20230126 but tried with older 8.20210803 since thought it must be regression -- the same result

fixed --Joey