Please describe the problem.

our datalad tests started to fail recently (in this PR is the effort to troubleshoot etc).

Here is what we see with recent version using such simple script:


export PS4='> '

set -eu
set -x

cd "$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/dl-XXXXXXX)"

git init
git annex init

# touch "$n"
git annex add --json --json-error-messages "$n"

that now

❯ ( source /home/yoh/git-annexes/10.20230407+git63-g3d1d77a1bb.env ; bash )
>> mktemp -d /home/yoh/.tmp/dl-XXXXXXX
> cd /home/yoh/.tmp/dl-OAXQ1CE
> git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/yoh/.tmp/dl-OAXQ1CE/.git/
> git annex init
init  ok
(recording state in git...)
> n='gl\orious'
> git annex add --json --json-error-messages 'gl\orious'
git-annex: "gl\\orious" not found
add: 1 failed

so we get \\ instead of \ in the output printed by git-annex

previously was all fine

❯ ( source /home/yoh/git-annexes/10.20230407.env ; bash )
>> mktemp -d /home/yoh/.tmp/dl-XXXXXXX
> cd /home/yoh/.tmp/dl-1TzrWdi
> git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/yoh/.tmp/dl-1TzrWdi/.git/
> git annex init
init  ok
(recording state in git...)
> n='gl\orious'
> git annex add --json --json-error-messages 'gl\orious'
git-annex: gl\orious not found
add: 1 failed

closed --Joey