I tried to use the S3 special remote to access DigitalOcean's Spaces API. Their docs suggest that this should be possible. However, it doesn't work.
The command I ran, with key removed:
git annex --debug initremote xamsi-everything type=S3 protocol=https host=sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com datacenter=sfo2 chunk=64MiB encryption=hybrid keyid=XXX
The non-debug output, in full, with key removed:
initremote xamsi-everything (encryption setup) (to gpg keys: XXX) (checking bucket...) (creating bucket in sfo2...)
git-annex: XmlException {xmlErrorMessage = "Missing error Message"}
git-annex: initremote: 1 failed
The debug output of the part that breaks, again with key material removed:
(creating bucket in sfo2...) [2019-10-15 08:40:41.119524792] String to sign: "PUT\n\n\nTue, 15 Oct 2019 15:40:41 GMT\n/xamsi-everything-a36e2044-07ac-4d85-8450-e5760c897a9b/"
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.119586065] Host: "xamsi-everything-a36e2044-07ac-4d85-8450-e5760c897a9b.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com"
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.119639648] Path: "/"
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.119683721] Query string: ""
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.11972899] Header: [("Date","Tue, 15 Oct 2019 15:40:41 GMT"),("Authorization","AWS XXX")]
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.119846915] Body: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><CreateBucketConfiguration xmlns=\"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/\"><LocationConstraint>sfo2</LocationConstraint></CreateBucketConfiguration>"
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.174450718] Response status: Status {statusCode = 403, statusMessage = "Forbidden"}
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.174566002] Response header 'Content-Length': '190'
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.174627301] Response header 'x-amz-request-id': 'tx0000000000001c5b175eb-005da5e879-23e283-sfo2a'
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.174685597] Response header 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes'
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.174730858] Response header 'Content-Type': 'application/xml'
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.174776256] Response header 'Date': 'Tue, 15 Oct 2019 15:40:41 GMT'
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.174821726] Response header 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload'
[2019-10-15 08:40:41.174984394] Response metadata: S3: request ID=tx0000000000001c5b175eb-005da5e879-23e283-sfo2a, x-amz-id-2=<none>
This was either fixed by the signature=v4 support, or is a bug on digital ocean's side. Anyway, it's very old, and there has been no response, so closing. done --Joey
This is either a bug in http://hackage.haskell.org/package/aws or Digital Ocean's implementation of the S3 protocol. I don't know which, but I do know it has to be fixed in one of those two place, and not in git-annex.
The fact that the aws library can't even parse an error message out of their response kind of says something.
But the real problem seems to While they claim to support V2 signatures, my guess is there's a problem with their support for V2, since they're mostly dealing with V4. The aws library's support for V4 is experimental and apparently buggy, but as git-annex uses it, it will only use V2.
I have added to git-annex a way to use v4 authentication signatures.
You will need a daily build, or the next release of git-annex.
Give it a try by adding signature=v4 to your initremote or enableremote, and please let me know if it works or how it fails with that.