Please describe the problem.

Sometimes git annex copy complains with git-annex: .git/HEAD: openFile: resource busy (file is locked). For example:

$ git annex copy --from r1 --to r2 --not --in r2
copy dir/foo/bar/baz.txt (from r1...)
(checksum...) (to r2...)
copy dir/quux/buz/bez1.bin (from r1...)
(checksum...) (to r2...)
copy dir/quux/buz/bez2.bin (from r1...)
(checksum...) (to r2...)
copy dir/quux/buz/bez3.bin (from r1...)
(checksum...) (to r2...)
git-annex: .git/HEAD: openFile: resource busy (file is locked)

This happens in a adjusted/master(unlockpresent) branch.

everything seems to work fine regardless of the complaint, so I don't know if this warning message is just a cosmetic issue or if it is the tip of the iceberg, hiding a more serious problem.

What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?

git-annex version: 10.20230329-g30d7f9ad7
build flags: Assistant Webapp Pairing Inotify DBus DesktopNotify TorrentParser MagicMime Benchmark Feeds Testsuite S3 WebDAV
dependency versions: aws-0.22.1 bloomfilter- cryptonite-0.29 DAV-1.3.4 feed- ghc-9.0.2 http-client- persistent-sqlite- torrent-10000.1.1 uuid-1.3.15 yesod-
key/value backends: SHA256E [...] WORM URL X*
remote types: git gcrypt p2p S3 bup directory rsync web bittorrent webdav adb tahoe glacier ddar git-lfs httpalso borg hook external
operating system: linux x86_64
supported repository versions: 8 9 10
upgrade supported from repository versions: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
local repository version: 8

Please provide any additional information below.

This is probably related to Failed adjusted branch update after error in drop

fixed (I presume) --Joey