Please describe the problem.
The git-annex assistant queues files for transfer to gcrypt git (not SSH) remotes, which shouldn't happen. git-annex sync gcrypt
I think the problem might be that the assistant triggers a content sync, despite showing "metadata only", and that sync --content circumvents gcrypt.
I have a gcrypt remote set up with github, but I can reprodue this issue using a directory as the destination as well.
When I set up the remote and sync it, it works as it should:
~/annex (git)-[annex/direct/master] % git remote add gcrypt gcrypt::/tmp/test
~/annex (git)-[annex/direct/master] % git-annex sync gcrypt
commit (recording state in git...)
pull gcrypt
gcrypt: Development version -- Repository format MAY CHANGE
gcrypt: Repository not found: /tmp/test
push gcrypt
gcrypt: Development version -- Repository format MAY CHANGE
gcrypt: Repository not found: /tmp/test
gcrypt: Setting up new repository
gcrypt: Remote ID is :id:thetwentycharacterid
Counting objects: 469459, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (122643/122643), done.
Total 469459 (delta 342415), reused 468156 (delta 341616)
gcrypt: Encrypting to: -r fngerprintremoved
gcrypt: Requesting manifest signature
To gcrypt::/tmp/test
* [new branch] git-annex -> synced/git-annex
* [new branch] annex/direct/master -> synced/master
But when I launch the assistant/webapp, it starts queuing and syncing file contents, even though the remote is listed as "metadata only".
After letting the assistant run for a minute:
~ % ls /tmp/test/annex/objects/
000 043 091 0ed 130 18e 1d8 21c 26c 2b2 2f4 334 371 3ad 3e3 439 471 4b4 525 565 5c3 61b 691 724 788 ...
And the files aren't encrypted!
find /tmp/test/annex/objects/ -type f -exec file {} \; | head -n10
/tmp/test/annex/objects/247/100/SHA256E-s5310--06c62006efde5abd7d03dbb15e3725982c80c0eaffde90e3b566fab26d810d6d.opf/SHA256E-s5310--06c62006efde5abd7d03dbb15e3725982c80c0eaffde90e3b566fab26d810d6d.opf: XML 1.0 document text
/tmp/test/annex/objects/5f8/851/SHA256E-s36705--a3b71efc462876709de6c95a7b21218fe437fe45ed39cf5da2709be546c360bc.jpg/SHA256E-s36705--a3b71efc462876709de6c95a7b21218fe437fe45ed39cf5da2709be546c360bc.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, aspect ratio, density 1x1, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 310x500, frames 3
/tmp/test/annex/objects/f09/b22/SHA256E-s358928--7e7680e24baf28a82b94cf9931d73a8353ae5c009d81cb4d8c6e313bdc0b22e0/SHA256E-s358928--7e7680e24baf28a82b94cf9931d73a8353ae5c009d81cb4d8c6e313bdc0b22e0: EPUB document
/tmp/test/annex/objects/512/38c/SHA256E-s4246--f7dda72a07aa9f11e329e180c873ba1edd45ac80aa270e379ac52e09302ccfa0.opf/SHA256E-s4246--f7dda72a07aa9f11e329e180c873ba1edd45ac80aa270e379ac52e09302ccfa0.opf: XML 1.0 document text
/tmp/test/annex/objects/079/b2d/SHA256E-s496807--d5ba2b9a564a199ea33da246d70f43c8f531c53745130c4ae82ac8b5b5180684.epub/SHA256E-s496807--d5ba2b9a564a199ea33da246d70f43c8f531c53745130c4ae82ac8b5b5180684.epub: EPUB document
/tmp/test/annex/objects/6e3/e05/SHA256E-s5145--07a4770b8d1c10e46834b895484c20fca7f7e0850a51f8eb1f7c91f175ab2f8a.opf/SHA256E-s5145--07a4770b8d1c10e46834b895484c20fca7f7e0850a51f8eb1f7c91f175ab2f8a.opf: XML 1.0 document text
/tmp/test/annex/objects/b65/708/SHA256E-s271061--dc839391472cf5f08edc2807f7dd016a1ce4f5e3113a964882585fd6dcc51ce2.epub/SHA256E-s271061--dc839391472cf5f08edc2807f7dd016a1ce4f5e3113a964882585fd6dcc51ce2.epub: EPUB document
/tmp/test/annex/objects/9a4/9d3/SHA256E-s38917--5a1a770c758f2f9b254ad7f2f6b6e33b87f14486322d04b5d25b09569772b9e1.jpg/SHA256E-s38917--5a1a770c758f2f9b254ad7f2f6b6e33b87f14486322d04b5d25b09569772b9e1.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, aspect ratio, density 1x1, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 305x500, frames 3
/tmp/test/annex/objects/4ec/b23/SHA256E-s307073--cbdef5840ad0addde500d2bfbb5e916c71dea6394f647f6663771abdb05a1776/SHA256E-s307073--cbdef5840ad0addde500d2bfbb5e916c71dea6394f647f6663771abdb05a1776: EPUB document
/tmp/test/annex/objects/074/106/SHA256E-s307165--9a379564df17b9e1a0b7a2221e81180db447a05a9f1123b52fe2a618462a922e.epub/SHA256E-s307165--9a379564df17b9e1a0b7a2221e81180db447a05a9f1123b52fe2a618462a922e.epub: EPUB document
The above files are part of my Calibre library.
For my github repo, the assistant still shows files queuing but they don't actually show up in the repo. I think it's trying to sync using SSH but failing.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Create a git-remote-gcrypt remote on a git server or in a local directory
- Open the git-annex webapp, ensuring that syncing is enabled
What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
~ % git-annex version
git-annex version: 5.20150519-g87f28bb
build flags: Assistant Webapp Webapp-secure Pairing Testsuite S3 Inotify DBus DesktopNotify DNS Feeds Quvi TDFA TorrentParser
key/value backends: SHA256E SHA1E SHA512E SHA224E SHA384E SKEIN256E SKEIN512E MD5E SHA256 SHA1 SHA512 SHA224 SHA384 SKEIN256 SKEIN512 MD5 WORM URL
remote types: git gcrypt S3 bup directory rsync web bittorrent glacier ddar hook external
I'm running Arch Linux
This was fixed in fbf5045d4f17accde9e20fa528e52cb1dce61c47 for
git annex sync --content
I don't remember the immediate cause of it being in a code that that the webapp would call, but I did add a belt-and-suspenders fix at a lower level which I'd hope would prevent the webapp from uploading anything in any case.
Sounds like the webapp tries to queue transfers to a NoUUID remote, and then presumably gives up before the object gets uploaded.
Looking at the code, calcSyncRemotes does not filter out NoUUID remotes when populating syncDataRemotes. So, I've fixed that too now.