Please describe the problem.
annex init --help
talks about supporting --backend
so I expected either modification of .gitattributes to add backend, or at least non-persistent setting in .git/config ... but seems nothing is actually done?
What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
Please provide any additional information below.
$> git annex init --backend=MD5E
init ok
(recording state in git...)
(dev) 2 27354 [1].....................................:Wed 12 Jul 2017 07:08:21 PM EDT:.
$> cat .git/config
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
uuid = 8a045a11-af4a-43b6-922f-cf402efab619
version = 5
(dev) 2 27355 [1].....................................:Wed 12 Jul 2017 07:08:26 PM EDT:.
$> git annex init --help
git-annex init - initialize git-annex
Usage: git-annex init [DESC] [--version VALUE]
Available options:
--version VALUE Override default annex.version
--force allow actions that may lose annexed data
-F,--fast avoid slow operations
-q,--quiet avoid verbose output
-v,--verbose allow verbose output (default)
-d,--debug show debug messages
--no-debug don't show debug messages
-b,--backend NAME specify key-value backend to use
-N,--numcopies NUMBER override default number of copies
--trust REMOTE override trust setting
--semitrust REMOTE override trust setting back to default
--untrust REMOTE override trust setting to untrusted
-c,--config NAME=VALUE override git configuration setting
--user-agent NAME override default User-Agent
--trust-glacier Trust Amazon Glacier inventory
--notify-finish show desktop notification after transfer finishes
--notify-start show desktop notification after transfer starts
-h,--help Show this help text
For details, run: git-annex help init
(dev) 2 27356 [1].....................................:Wed 12 Jul 2017 07:08:31 PM EDT:.
$> ls
(dev) 2 27357 [1].....................................:Wed 12 Jul 2017 07:08:39 PM EDT:.
$> ls -lta
total 312
drwx------ 9 yoh yoh 4096 Jul 12 19:08 .git/
drwx------ 3 yoh yoh 4096 Jul 12 19:08 ./
drwxrwxrwt 143 root root 307200 Jul 12 19:08 ../
(dev) 2 27358 [1].....................................:Wed 12 Jul 2017 07:08:40 PM EDT:.
$> grep -r MD5E .
Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders)
--backend is a global option, so it appears in every command's help.
There are several of these global options left over from the previous option parsing regime.