Please describe the problem.

git-annex sync gcryptremote makes too many ssh connections one after another for each sub-task involved, potentially triggering firewall rate-limits on the SSH server.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

sync with gcrypt remote while watching sshd logs on the server (I was getting >=5 connections per single sync in quick succession)

What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?

Fedora 19, installed through cabal (without s3 and webapp support as the deps were failing to build)

$ git annex version
git-annex version: 5.20150205
build flags: Assistant Pairing WebDAV Inotify DBus DesktopNotify XMPP DNS Feeds Quvi TDFA TorrentParser
key/value backends: SHA256E SHA1E SHA512E SHA224E SHA384E SKEIN256E SKEIN512E MD5E SHA256 SHA1 SHA512 SHA224 SHA384 SKEIN256 SKEIN512 MD5 WORM URL
remote types: git gcrypt bup directory rsync web bittorrent webdav tahoe glacier ddar hook external
local repository version: 5
supported repository version: 5
upgrade supported from repository versions: 0 1 2 4

Please provide any additional information below.

# If you can, paste a complete transcript of the problem occurring here.
# If the problem is with the git-annex assistant, paste in .git/annex/daemon.log

# End of transcript or log.