Please describe the problem.

I have a central repo that holds all my content. I keep a second copy of the content split across two hard drives (each of those being too small to hold the whole content), in bare repositories.

I use "git annex sync --content" with "git annex required" to control which sub-tree goes to which of the smaller hard-drive.

I noticed that some files, which I did not modify, where copied then dropped by git annex at each sync.

I eventually understood that

  • those file are duplicates: the same contents appears at several paths in my repo,
  • my "required" rules match the same content differently depending on the path.
  • this seems to confuse git annex, which will copy a file to remote, only to drop it from that remote just afterward.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

This script illustrates the issue

set -x
chmod +rwX -R /tmp/test_dupe
rm -rf /tmp/test_dupe
mkdir /tmp/test_dupe
cd /tmp/test_dupe

# create repo
mkdir main
cd main
git init
git annex init
git annex numcopies 2

# populate repo
mkdir private public
echo "my private file" > private/private_file
echo "my public file" > public/public_file
echo "my dupe file" | tee public/dupe_file > private/dupe_file
git annex add .
git commit -m "populate repo"

# create 2 partial archives
for x in public private
  cd ..
  git clone main --bare archive_$x.git
  cd archive_$x.git
  git annex init "archive $x"
  git annex required . "include=$x/*"
  cd ../main
  git remote add archive_$x "../archive_$x.git"

git annex sync
git annex whereis
git annex sync --content
git annex whereis
git annex sync --content
git annex whereis

What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?

git-annex version: 6.20170101.1, on debian stretch

Please provide any additional information below.

Here is the transcript of running the script above

+ chmod +rwX -R /tmp/test_dupe
+ rm -rf /tmp/test_dupe
+ mkdir /tmp/test_dupe
+ cd /tmp/test_dupe
+ mkdir main
+ cd main
+ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/test_dupe/main/.git/
+ git annex init
init  ok
(recording state in git...)
+ git annex numcopies 2
numcopies 2 ok
(recording state in git...)
+ mkdir private public
+ echo 'my private file'
+ echo 'my public file'
+ echo 'my dupe file'
+ tee public/dupe_file
+ git annex add .
add private/dupe_file ok
add private/private_file ok
add public/dupe_file ok
add public/public_file ok
(recording state in git...)
+ git commit -m 'populate repo'
[master (root-commit) 75d8a5c] populate repo
 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
 create mode 120000 private/dupe_file
 create mode 120000 private/private_file
 create mode 120000 public/dupe_file
 create mode 120000 public/public_file
+ tree
├── private
│   ├── dupe_file -> ../.git/annex/objects/ZP/1X/SHA256E-s13--a1786172085dbc6d805c9e311fe636cd36709a24eceb00017408dbe75cff24db/SHA256E-s13--a1786172085dbc6d805c9e311fe636cd36709a24eceb00017408dbe75cff24db
│   └── private_file -> ../.git/annex/objects/Gk/mx/SHA256E-s16--2cdc2a8328f83bf817e7e8c305f9c8afda7ead5e447bac99ac250dfb7bdb8839/SHA256E-s16--2cdc2a8328f83bf817e7e8c305f9c8afda7ead5e447bac99ac250dfb7bdb8839
└── public
    ├── dupe_file -> ../.git/annex/objects/ZP/1X/SHA256E-s13--a1786172085dbc6d805c9e311fe636cd36709a24eceb00017408dbe75cff24db/SHA256E-s13--a1786172085dbc6d805c9e311fe636cd36709a24eceb00017408dbe75cff24db
    └── public_file -> ../.git/annex/objects/M9/8P/SHA256E-s15--fb55ed5db2dc55ef8442f515c008fe89ae2a428652b468ab132065d09402be2d/SHA256E-s15--fb55ed5db2dc55ef8442f515c008fe89ae2a428652b468ab132065d09402be2d

2 directories, 4 files
+ for x in public private
+ cd ..
+ git clone main --bare archive_public.git
Cloning into bare repository 'archive_public.git'...
+ cd archive_public.git
+ git annex init 'archive public'
init archive public ok
(recording state in git...)
+ git annex required . 'include=public/*'
required . ok
(recording state in git...)
+ cd ../main
+ git remote add archive_public ../archive_public.git
+ for x in public private
+ cd ..
+ git clone main --bare archive_private.git
Cloning into bare repository 'archive_private.git'...
+ cd archive_private.git
+ git annex init 'archive private'
init archive private ok
(recording state in git...)
+ git annex required . 'include=private/*'
required . ok
(recording state in git...)
+ cd ../main
+ git remote add archive_private ../archive_private.git
+ git annex sync
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
pull archive_public 
From ../archive_public
 * [new branch]      git-annex  -> archive_public/git-annex
 * [new branch]      master     -> archive_public/master
pull archive_private 
From ../archive_private
 * [new branch]      git-annex  -> archive_private/git-annex
 * [new branch]      master     -> archive_private/master
(merging archive_private/git-annex archive_public/git-annex into git-annex...)
(recording state in git...)
push archive_public 
To ../archive_public.git
 * [new branch]      git-annex -> synced/git-annex
 * [new branch]      master -> synced/master
push archive_private 
To ../archive_private.git
 * [new branch]      git-annex -> synced/git-annex
 * [new branch]      master -> synced/master
+ git annex whereis
whereis private/dupe_file (1 copy) 
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]
whereis private/private_file (1 copy) 
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]
whereis public/dupe_file (1 copy) 
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]
whereis public/public_file (1 copy) 
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]

now let do a sync --content

+ git annex sync --content
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
pull archive_public 
pull archive_private 
copy private/dupe_file (to archive_private...) (checksum...) ok ################################## copied
copy private/private_file (to archive_private...) (checksum...) ok
copy public/dupe_file (to archive_public...) (checksum...) ok
drop archive_private public/dupe_file ok ################################## dropped
copy public/public_file (to archive_public...) (checksum...) ok
pull archive_public 
pull archive_private 
(recording state in git...)
push archive_public 
To ../archive_public.git
   cacaf8b..1d5c278  git-annex -> synced/git-annex
push archive_private 
To ../archive_private.git
   cacaf8b..1d5c278  git-annex -> synced/git-annex
+ git annex whereis
whereis private/dupe_file (2 copies) ################################## missing from archive_private
    02ee663d-8956-4ad5-9165-0e82314f00f1 -- archive public [archive_public]
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]
whereis private/private_file (2 copies) 
    551ffe45-f46d-4c37-8c59-eff4e8ec8bfe -- archive private [archive_private]
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]
whereis public/dupe_file (2 copies) 
    02ee663d-8956-4ad5-9165-0e82314f00f1 -- archive public [archive_public]
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]
whereis public/public_file (2 copies) 
    02ee663d-8956-4ad5-9165-0e82314f00f1 -- archive public [archive_public]
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]

We've seen that git-annex

  • did not honor the "required" command: "private/dupe_file" is missing from private_archive
  • wasted some bandwidth: it copied the file only to drop it
  • did enforce the "numcopies=2" quite literally
  • did not loose any data (thank you Joey!)

The same happens if we sync again

+ git annex sync --content
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
pull archive_public 
From ../archive_public
   1d5c278..4b9583f  git-annex  -> archive_public/git-annex
pull archive_private 
From ../archive_private
   1d5c278..7aec3eb  git-annex  -> archive_private/git-annex
(merging archive_private/git-annex archive_public/git-annex into git-annex...)
(recording state in git...)
copy private/dupe_file (to archive_private...) (checksum...) ok ################################## copied again
drop archive_public private/dupe_file ok
copy public/dupe_file (to archive_public...) (checksum...) ok
drop archive_private public/dupe_file ok ################################## dropped again
pull archive_public 
pull archive_private 
(recording state in git...)
push archive_public 
To ../archive_public.git
   1d5c278..51d259c  git-annex -> synced/git-annex
push archive_private 
To ../archive_private.git
   1d5c278..51d259c  git-annex -> synced/git-annex
+ git annex whereis
whereis private/dupe_file (2 copies) ################################## still missing from archive_private
    02ee663d-8956-4ad5-9165-0e82314f00f1 -- archive public [archive_public]
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]
whereis private/private_file (2 copies) 
    551ffe45-f46d-4c37-8c59-eff4e8ec8bfe -- archive private [archive_private]
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]
whereis public/dupe_file (2 copies) 
    02ee663d-8956-4ad5-9165-0e82314f00f1 -- archive public [archive_public]
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]
whereis public/public_file (2 copies) 
    02ee663d-8956-4ad5-9165-0e82314f00f1 -- archive public [archive_public]
    aaa3a2b2-d354-4ca0-857d-ae51762f69de -- seb@navi:/tmp/test_dupe/main [here]

Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders)

Yes! I use git-annex almost every day, and I'm very happy to do so.