
Came up with four groups of repositories that it makes sense to define standard preferred content expressions for.

 preferredContent :: StandardGroup -> String
    preferredContent ClientGroup = "exclude=*/archive/*"
    preferredContent TransferGroup = "not inallgroup=client and " ++ preferredContent ClientGroup
    preferredContent ArchiveGroup = "not copies=archive:1"
    preferredContent BackupGroup = "" -- all content is preferred

preferred content has the details about these groups, but as I was writing those three preferred content expressions, I realized they are some of the highest level programming I've ever done, in a way.

Anyway, these make for a very simple repository configuration UI:

form with simple select box

yesterday (forgot to post this)

Got the assistant honoring preferred content settings. Although so far that only determines what it transfers. Additional work will be needed to make content be dropped when it stops being preferred.

Added a "configure" link next to each repository on the repository config page. This will go to a form to allow setting things like repository descriptions, groups, and preferred content settings.

Cut a release.