Wow, 11 days off! I was busy with first dentistry and then DebConf.

Yesterday I visited CERN and got to talk with some of their IT guys about how they manage their tens of petabytes of data. Interested to hear they also have the equivilant of a per-subdirectory annex.numcopies setting. OTOH, they have half a billion more files than git's index file is likely to be able to scale to support. ;)

Pushed a release out today despite not having many queued changes. Also, I got git-annex migrated to Debian testing, and so was also able to update the wheezy backport to a just 2 week old version.

Today is also the last day of the campaign!

There has been a ton of discussion about git-annex here at DebConf, including 3 BoF sessions that mostly focused on it, among other git stuff. Also, RichiH will be presenting his "Gitify Your Life" talk on Friday; you can catch it on the live stream.

I've also had a continual stream of in-person bug and feature requests. (Mostly features.) These have been added to the wiki and I look forward to working on that backlog when I get home.

As for coding, I am doing little here, but I do have a branch cooking that adds some options to git annex import to control handling of duplicate files.