I've re-connected my PC and laptop directly again (previously, they could only see each other via a NAS) to get location tracking to work at its best but now that I have, there's an issue:
My laptop is a MBP that goes to sleep and, on battery, can't even be woken up. When it does this, trying to sync with it completely stalls git-annex. It doesn't even push my local changes to the NAS anymore because it's waiting on the laptop that won't ever answer until I manually wake it.
I don't care if that machine is unreachable temporarily, it happens. Ideally git-annex shouldn't be dead-set on trying to sync with it or even treat being unable to sync with it as an error.
Can I reach that behaviour or at least stop it from stalling somehow (a timeout perhaps)?
I've looked through the options but couldn't find anything that seemed relevant.
After observing the issue over the past few days, it has become a bit clearer now.
The stalling happens when both machines are on, have synced and then one of them goes offline. The assistant never recovers from the loss of connection and since this also stalls manual syncs, this might be because of the SSH caching thingy? I will try disabling it and see whether that helps.
I guess this probably is a bug then; could this post be moved (and possibly renamed) or should I create a separate bug for this?
You may want to set ServerAliveInterval in your ssh config, or some of the related options like ServerAliveCountMax and TCPKeepAlive. See
man ssh_config
I think that normally, ssh does detect when a connection to a server has gone away, just due to the tcp connection dropping. But that may take some time to happen.