I'm having trouble install from cabal on Debian-testing since the new beta released.
% sudo aptitude remove --purge cabal-install
% rm -rf $HOME/.cabal
% sudo aptitude install cabal-install
% cabal update
% cabal install git-annex
The output all follows this general syntax:
<package> depends on <anotherpackage> which failed to install
On the flip side, I upgrade my Debian to sid and it installed just fine through aptitude.
(Apologies for my English, and if this is simply a user error)
The difficulty with using cabal on Debian testing (and unstable) is that Debian has an older version of Yesod, and I have not managed to get cabal to work with both versions at once.
If you build using the Makefile, it currently uses the old version of Yesod, so that'll work.
The package from unstable should install ok on testing.