I am trying to connect to dreamhost's objects (S3) platform. I am using the windows version.
Am I specifying the host correctly? Any help is appreciated.
$ git-annex initremote host="objects.dreamhost.com" cloud keyid=XXXXX type=S3
initremote host=objects.dreamhost.com (encryption setup) (hybrid cipher with gpg key 70827ADCDE25DA0F) (checking bucket...) git-annex: user error (openTCPConnection: host lookup failure for "host=objects. dreamhost.com-f5573b49-3668-4f94-a1da-aa55085c45e8.s3.amazonaws.com") failed git-annex.exe: initremote: 1 failed
No, you cannot quote part of a parameter like that. git-annex thinks you are trying to use a host that includes the quote marks you put around it.
Since you're using Windows, I can't give any advice on how to use quoting at the shell/cmd prompt. However, I don't see any need for quoting here anyway.
Looking at this again, you forgot to tell it the name of the remote, so it took the first parameter (host="objects.dreamhost.com" ) as the name. The rest probably follows from that mistake.
git annex initremote mys3 host=...