I have set up an annex on a remote machine and I am connecting via ssh. But, since it is a managed machine, I installed the git-annex binary in my own ~/bin. Well, when I try $git annex sync
I get: $git annex sync (merging origin/git-annex into git-annex...) (Recording state in git...) bash: git-annex-shell: command not found
Remote origin does not have git-annex installed; setting annex-ignore commit ok pull origin
merge: refs/remotes/origin/master - not something we can merge
merge: refs/remotes/origin/synced/master - not something we can merge failed git-annex: sync: 1 failed
The git remote -v looks correct. So, how do I tell git annex on my local machine where to use $HOME/bin in PATH on the remote machine when syncing with remotes?
If i don't misremember some systems including Debian require you to set the path on the very first line of .bashrc for it to work. Can't remember why just now.
in other words paste the following into the very first line of
Modify the line above if you haven't installed to
"I now realize that the git annex system still requires the standard "add" and "commit" process. But I'm still getting:
$git annex sync commit ok pull origin remote: Counting objects: 37, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (35/35), done. remote: Total 36 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (36/36), done. From ssh://stampede.tacc.utexas.edu/work/02463/srinathv/cesm1_3_beta07/scripts * [new branch] master -> origin/master
merge: refs/remotes/origin/synced/master - not something we can merge failed push origin Counting objects: 11, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done. Writing objects: 100% (8/8), 736 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 8 (delta 3), reused 1 (delta 0) To ssh://srinathv@stampede.tacc.utexas.edu/work/02463/srinathv/cesm1_3_beta07/scripts * [new branch] git-annex -> synced/git-annex * [new branch] master -> synced/master ok git-annex: sync: 1 failed
So the fails appear, and the suggestion of "export PATH" placement did not help, though appreciated.
@Srinath I wonder if the machine you are running git-annex sync on is a Windows machine? I have seen that " refs/remotes/origin/synced/master - not something we can merge" intermittently when testing on Windows, but not other times.
(It's not related to the original PATH configuration problem on your server.)