I've wanted to use git-annex for the longest time, but I really only wanted to use it if the files were over a certain size, otherwise, I just want to use regular git.
After writing this pre-commit hook, I wanted to share and get some feedback.
This would be saved as .git/hooks/pre-commit
let MAX=1*1024*1024 # 1048576 == 1 MB
if [ ! -d '.git/annex/' ]; then
/usr/local/bin/git annex init >/dev/null 2>&1
if git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# Initial commit: diff against an empty tree object
against=$(/usr/local/bin/git hash-object -t tree /dev/null)
/usr/local/bin/git diff-index --cached $against | \
/usr/bin/tr '\t' ' ' | \
/usr/bin/cut -d ' ' -f4,6- | \
while read line; do
sha1=$(/usr/bin/cut -d ' ' -f1 <<< "$line")
if [ "$sha1" == "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ]; then
size=$(/usr/local/bin/git cat-file -s "$sha1")
if [ $size -ge $MAX ]; then
file=$(/usr/bin/cut -d ' ' -f2- <<< "$line")
/usr/local/bin/git update-index --force-remove "$file"
/usr/local/bin/git annex add "$file"
/usr/bin/killall -TERM Finder
/usr/local/bin/git annex pre-commit .
I also wrote an Unlock Git Annex File.workflow
service for OS X:
set gitAnnex to "/Applications/git-annex.app/Contents/MacOS/git-annex"
tell application "Finder"
repeat with theItem in (get selection)
if file type of theItem is "slnk" then
set theFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of (container of theItem as alias)
set filePath to do shell script "/usr/bin/basename " & quoted form of POSIX path of (theItem as text)
set theCommand to "cd " & theFolder & "; " & gitAnnex & " unlock '" & filePath & "'"
do shell script theCommand
end if
end repeat
end tell
Use Automator to create a new service that receives selected "files or folders" in "Finder.app". Then drag the "Run AppleScript" action to the workflow panel. The script above should be copied into the code area replacing all the default content.
Am I all alone in wanting these types of scripts?
- Peter
The problem with this pre-commit hook is that by the time you run
git add largfile
, it has copied it into the git repository. Your hook will prevent it getting into a commit, so the repository will eventually garbage collect the copy away, but this can take some time or manual work to do.Recent versions of
git-annex add
will look at the annex.largefiles configuration and if the file does not match, add it to git directly. So that's an alternate workflow, where yougit annex add
files and let git-annex decide whether to put them in the annex or the git repository.For the Finder script, there's a page collecting such stuff, file manager integration