Should I install the version in my apt repo (6), or (7) or (8)?
Also, I'd like to know what the major difference is in the versions, I've googled this and found nothing.
(other than bug fixes and "repo format changes"), I wanted to know if the repo format change is a good reason to try to run the latest v8.
edit: I guess there is no "release notes" link for git annex? I see the content that would exist there in news:
There is a changelog at Hackage.
v6 is very old. v8 includes speed improvements; downside is it's new so less tested by users, upside is that bugfixes are more likely to happen for it than for legacy versions, and that you avoid an eventual git-annex-upgrade. I'd probably install v8.
screen scrape below, I have no idea why it thinks that text file is locked, so weird.
git status
HEAD detached at 8.20200309 nothing to commit, working tree clean
make install PREFIX=/usr/local
if [ "cabal" = ./Setup ]; then ghc --make Setup; fi if [ "cabal" != stack ]; then \ cabal configure --ghc-options=""; \ else \ cabal setup ; \ fi Warning: The configure command is a part of the legacy v1 style of cabal usage.
Please switch to using either the new project style and the new-configure command or the legacy v1-configure alias as new-style projects will become the default in the next version of cabal-install. Please file a bug if you cannot replicate a working v1- use case with the new-style commands.
For more information, see:
Resolving dependencies... Warning: solver failed to find a solution: Could not resolve dependencies: [0] trying: git-annex-8.20200309 (user goal) [1] unknown package: filepath-bytestring (dependency of git-annex) [__1] fail (backjumping, conflict set: filepath-bytestring, git-annex) After searching the rest of the dependency tree exhaustively, these were the goals I've had most trouble fulfilling: git-annex, filepath-bytestring Trying configure anyway. ./dist/setup/setup.version: openFile: resource busy (file is locked) make: *** [Makefile:37: tmp/configure-stamp] Error 1
thank you again for being so helpful:
I was using an old lts ubuntu, but the repos only had git-annex v6, and install from source wasn't working, so I upgraded to... ubuntu 19.10 / eoan, and it looks like doesn't yet support that release.
I don't exactly love polluting my apt sources, but I can be compelled to if that's my best / only option.
I'll keep digging, if I can find a prebuilt .deb, I'll likely use that. (too bad there isn't a snap?)
I'm sorry but that conda script looks gross, its opaque, and wants to install ms / vs code... so i kinda noped out of it.
I guess I'll just stay 1 rev behind current for now. if I have to I can always use a vm.
"conda script looks gross, its opaque, and wants to install ms / vs code" -- in its defense, conda is open-source and is very widely used, so any problems with it are unlikely to go undetected. What is "ms / vs"?
It would be good at some point to create a Docker image with git-annex, that could operate sandboxed, but Docker doesn't handle symlinks well.
"this website is a train wreck" -- the website is an editable wiki, so you can fix things yourself, or submit pull requests. But can I suggest you phrase things less... harshly? @joeyh has done and is doing a crazy amount of work on git-annex and other public projects, demanding a perfect website on top of that is too much.
yeah, sorry about that comment. I really love this project and the website, I was just having a hard time figuring it out at first. I very much appreciate everything. I removed my petty little comment.