Yesterday upon setting up an hybrid encrypted rsync backend (with git-remote-annex) support, I stumbled around this bug. The annex remote would corrupt itself and no amount of git annex repair would fix it, unfortunately.

$ git annex push
push <remote> 
Full remote url: annex::<remote-uuid>?encryption=hybrid&rsyncurl=<url>&type=rsync
gpg: zlib inflate problem: invalid block type
  user error (gpg ["--quiet","--trust-model","always","--batch","--passphrase-fd","13","--decrypt"] exited 2)
git-annex: Failed to download GITBUNDLE-s<id>--<remote-uuid>-77e0ff1580b971da4e39b15ba22439d66e3c5729adea2d7df8643438ef900c49
Full remote url: annex::<remote-uuid>?encryption=hybrid&rsyncurl=<url>&type=rsync
gpg: zlib inflate problem: invalid block type
  user error (gpg ["--quiet","--trust-model","always","--batch","--passphrase-fd","13","--decrypt"] exited 2)
git-annex: Failed to download GITBUNDLE-s<id>--<remote-uuid>-77e0ff1580b971da4e39b15ba22439d66e3c5729adea2d7df8643438ef900c49

  Pushing to <remote> failed.
push: 1 failed

I then started to investigate the temporary files in .git/annex/tmp and found the aforementionned GITBUNDLE, as well as it's encrypted counterpart.

$ tree .git/annex/tmp/
├── GITBUNDLE-s<id>--<remote-uuid>-77e0ff1580b971da4e39b15ba22439d66e3c5729adea2d7df8643438ef900c49
└── GPGHMACSHA1--f2d78638494030b34841f7a30ffb2800816ef839

I wanted to confirm that the file was corrupted for real, so obtained the cipher for my hyrid repository like so:

$ cipher=$(git show git-annex:remote.log | grep 'name=<remote>' | grep -oP 'cipher\=.*? ' | sed 's/cipher=//')

And confirmed the encrypted file was indeed corrupted by decrypting it manually:

$ echo $cipher | base64 -d | gpg -d | tail -c +257 | gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt .git/annex/tmp/GPGHMACSHA1--f2d78638494030b34841f7a30ffb2800816ef839 > /dev/null
gpg: encrypted with rsa2048 key, ID <gpg-id>, created 1970-01-01
      "... <...>"
gpg: encrypted with cv25519 key, ID <gpg-id>, created 1970-01-01
      "... <...>"
gpg: AES256.CFB encrypted data
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
gpg: zlib inflate problem: invalid block type

I then searched in the annex's directory for the uncorrupted GITBUNDLE to find out that it indeed existed:

$ find . -type f -name "GITBUNDLE-s<id>--<remote-uuid>-77e0ff1580b971da4e39b15ba22439d66e3c5729adea2d7df8643438ef900c49"

Now that I have a way to get the symmetric cipher and the source file, as well as it's encrypted filename, I can re-encrypt it:

$ echo $cipher | base64 -d | gpg -d | tail -c +257 | gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --output /tmp/GPGHMACSHA1--f2d78638494030b34841f7a30ffb2800816ef839 --symmetric ./.git/annex/objects/Vg/Mm/GITBUNDLE-s<id>--<remote-uuid>-77e0ff1580b971da4e39b15ba22439d66e3c5729adea2d7df8643438ef900c49/GITBUNDLE-s<id>--<remote-uuid>-77e0ff1580b971da4e39b15ba22439d66e3c5729adea2d7df8643438ef900c49

And then upload it to replace the corruped one on the remote.

I then confirmed it was fixed by issuing a git annex sync --content.