git-annex 10.20231129 released with these changes

  • Fix bug in git-annex copy --from --to that skipped files that were locally present.
  • Make git-annex copy --from --to --fast actually fast.
  • Fix crash of enableremote when the special remote has embedcreds=yes.
  • Ignore directories and other unusual files in .git/annex/journal/
  • info: Added calculation of combined annex size of all repositories.
  • log: Added options --sizesof, --sizes and --totalsizes that display how the size of repositories changed over time.
  • log: Added options --interval, --bytes, --received, and --gnuplot to tune the output of the above added options.
  • findkeys: Support --largerthan and --smallerthan.
  • importfeed: Use caching database to avoid needing to list urls on every run, and avoid using too much memory.
  • Improve memory use of --all when using annex.private.
  • lookupkey: Sped up --batch.
  • Windows: Consistently avoid ending standard output lines with CR. This matches the behavior of git on Windows.
  • Windows: Fix CRLF handling in some log files.
  • Windows: When git-annex init is installing hook scripts, it will avoid ending lines with CR for portability. Existing hook scripts that do have CR line endings will not be changed.