Please describe the problem.

I need to "quickly" ensure that remote has all the files it should have gotten. For that I use invocation like

time git annex copy --fast --from web --to dandi-dandisets-dropbox


time git annex copy --auto --from web --to dandi-dandisets-dropbox

but then in the cases where all files are already there according to

dandi@drogon:/mnt/backup/dandi/dandisets/000003$ time git annex find  --not --in dandi-dandisets-dropbox

real    0m0.562s
user    0m0.051s
sys     0m0.019s

the copy still goes and checks every chunk of every file

dandi@drogon:/mnt/backup/dandi/dandisets/000003$ time git annex copy --fast --from web --to dandi-dandisets-dropbox
copy sub-YutaMouse20/sub-YutaMouse20_ses-YutaMouse20-140321_behavior+ecephys.nwb Total objects: 1 Total size: 953.674 MBytes (1000000000 Bytes)
Total objects: 1 Total size: 953.674 MBytes (1000000000 Bytes)
Total objects: 1 Total size: 953.674 MBytes (1000000000 Bytes)
Total objects: 1 Total size: 953.674 MBytes (1000000000 Bytes)
Total objects: 1 Total size: 953.674 MBytes (1000000000 Bytes)
Total objects: 1 Total size: 953.674 MBytes (1000000000 Bytes)

real    0m3.886s
user    0m0.037s
sys     0m0.032s

so to achieve what I need, I thought to explicitly specify the query:

dandi@drogon:/mnt/backup/dandi/dandisets/000003$ time git annex copy --fast --not --in dandi-dandisets-dropbox --from web --to dandi-dandisets-dropbox

real    0m0.221s
user    0m0.056s
sys     0m0.018s

but it doesn't works out correctly whenever there are some files to actually copy:

dandi@drogon:/mnt/backup/dandi/dandisets/000037$ git annex find --in web --not --in dandi-dandisets-dropbox | nl | tail -n 2
    40  sub-440889/sub-440889_ses-837360280_obj-raw_behavior+image+ophys.nwb
    41  sub-440889/sub-440889_ses-838633305_obj-raw_behavior+image+ophys.nwb
dandi@drogon:/mnt/backup/dandi/dandisets/000037$ git annex copy --fast --from web --to dandi-dandisets-dropbox --not --in dandi-dandisets-dropbox
dandi@drogon:/mnt/backup/dandi/dandisets/000037$ git annex copy --fast --from web --to dandi-dandisets-dropbox --in web --not --in dandi-dandisets-dropbox
dandi@drogon:/mnt/backup/dandi/dandisets/000037$ git annex copy --from web --to dandi-dandisets-dropbox --in web --not --in dandi-dandisets-dropbox

so the only way now would be to pipe find output into copy?

note on edit: filed a dedicated

NB git annex find has -z for input but not for output...

refs to related reports/issues which were said to be addressed for --fast mode:

What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?


and then in conda with 10.20230626-g801c4b7

fixed --Joey