Made a release today. Releasing has sure gotten easier with all the autobuilds to use!

I am now using git-annex to share files with my mom. Here's how the webapp looks for our family's repository. Soon several of us will be using this repository.

We're using XMPP and, so pretty standard setup much like shown in my last screencast.

Real-world deployments help find bugs, and I found a few:

  • If you're running the webapp in w3m on a remote computer to set it up, some forms are lacking submit buttons. This must be a issue with Bootstrap, or HTML5, I guess. I switched to lynx and it offers a way to submit forms that lack an explicit button.

  • Progress bars for downloads from encrypted rsync repos don't update during the actual download, but only when gpg is decrypting the downloaded file.

  • XMPP pushes sometimes fail still. Especially when your mom's computer is saturating its limited outgoing network connection uploading hundreds of photos. I have not yet determined if this is a packet loss/corruption issue, or if the XMPP messages are getting out of order. My gut feeling is it's the latter, in which can I can fix this pretty easily by adding sequence numbers and some buffering for out of order packets. Or perhaps just make it retry failed pushes when this happens.

    Anyway, I found it was useful to set up a regular git repository on a server to suppliment the git pushes over XMPP. It's helpful to have such a git repository anyway, so that clients can push to there when the other client(s) are not online to be pushed to directly over XMPP.