Hi, I'm trying to use git annex through git bash on windows, I've installed git (32 bit) and git annex yet I get the error mentioned above.
I've already had a search and have tried sorting out my windows environment paths as well as moving git annex .exe files from cmd to bin, neither of which have fixed the issue. Any ideas?
Thanks Joe
Please make sure you have Git For Windows, and the current version 5.20150916 of git-annex installed. msysgit is no longer supported, and any older version of git-annex won't work with Git For Windows.
Since you mention git-annex.exe in the cmd directory, I guess you probably have an old version installed. The current version does not put that file there.
@dfiorentino um, are you sure you have Git For Windows installed, and not the old msysgit? What does git --version say?
(You don't download Git For Windows from where you said you downloaded it, so I think you're confused about something.)
I have the same error. Fresh git 2.37.0 and git-annex 10.20220526.
Looks like adding
c:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin
can fix the issue for me.IIRC, Git for Windows asks during installation whether to add all tools to the PATH or just the main ones. And I prefer just the main tools, since I have separate iconv, GPG etc. installations.
Is there any reason why git-annex is installed in Git dir? Why doesn't it use its own? If separate dir is not an option then I propose to add to
:git annex
still won't work, butgit-annex