I just spend an hour to understand why the following command did not do anything:
$ git annex copy --to someremote SomeDirectory
With SomeDirectory containing a lot of file that are not in the someremote repository. I just realized that the annex from which I run the command did not contain those files either.
I then did
$ git annex get SomeDirectory
So that now the git annex copy command correctly copies the files to the someremote remote.
I hope I won't fall into that trap again, but I think it is very annoying not to know why nothing happened.
Wouldn't it be great if the git annex copy command would indicate why some file are not copied, like:
$ git annex copy --to someremote SomeDirectory
Cannot copy SomeFile1 since it is not present in here, (hint: run git annex get first)
Cannot copy SomeFile2 since it is not present in here, (hint: run git annex get first)
Cannot copy SomeFile3 since it is not present in here, (hint: run git annex get first)
May be this kind of information could be provided if the verbose flag is set.
Another awesome (totally subjectively speaking) way of doing it could be to get the file before copying it
$ git annex copy --to someremote SomeDirectory
Cannot copy SomeFile1 since it is not present in here, attempting getting it first
get SomeFile1 (from someotherremote...)
12,615,808 100% 161.27kB/s 0:01:16 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
copy SomeFile1 (checking someremote...) (to someremote...)
12,615,808 100% 161.27kB/s 0:01:16 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
Cannot copy SomeFile2 since it is not present in here, attempting getting it first
get SomeFile2 (from someotherremote...)
12,615,808 100% 161.27kB/s 0:01:16 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
copy SomeFile2 (checking someremote...) (to someremote...)
12,615,808 100% 161.27kB/s 0:01:16 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
Cannot copy SomeFile3 since it is not present in here, attempting getting it first
get SomeFile3 (from someotherremote...)
12,615,808 100% 161.27kB/s 0:01:16 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
copy SomeFile3 (checking someremote...) (to someremote...)
12,615,808 100% 161.27kB/s 0:01:16 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
We could also specify from which remote to get the file with
$ git annex copy --to someremote --from someotherremote SomeDirectory
I think that this behavior of git-annex is quite useful once you get used to it. It can sometimes trip up new users, but new users would not know about some --explain switch that made it say why it skipped each file. So, I consider this a documentation issue, and I've added a section to the walkthrough to help users learn about it:
As far as copy --from --to, it has been suggested before; I think there is even a todo about it somewhere, but such remote-to-remote transfers are expensive and I would hope it would not normally be used.