I wanted to try out this probably great piece of software you wrote, alas I do not use a Debian distro with managed software menus (i.e. I use OpenBox), so I cannot simply open the assistant through my programs-menu. In fact, to do that I'd need the command to start the assistant so I can add it manually myself. Sadly, the man page did not gave me any advices...
Any chance to give me the terminal command to start the assistant?
edit: just to update the thread: everythings okay now. Thanks for this great program!
the commands (as posted by Paul):
git annex assistant
git annex webapp
starts the assitant itself, you propably want the gui which you start by
git annex webapp
ah okay. That was what I was trying to do, but git-annex failed on my. Remembering that I was on Debian and checking the version (which was June 2012) - I supposed that I wasn't able to use the assistant yet.
So now I am trying to compile from source using cabal, however I sadly ran into a roadblock: http://git-annex.branchable.com/forum/cabal_install_fails_on_uuid/