git-annex push - push content to remotes


git annex push [remote ...]


This command pushes content to remotes. It uploads both git repository content, and the content of annexed files.

You can use git push and git-annex copy by hand to do the same thing as this command, but this command handles several details, including making sure that the git-annex branch is pushed to the remote.

When using git-annex, often remotes are not bare repositories, because it's helpful to add remotes for nearby machines that you want to access the same annexed content. Pushing to a non-bare remote will not normally update the remote's current branch with changes from the local repository. (Unless the remote is configured with receive.denyCurrentBranch=updateInstead.)

To make working with such non-bare remotes easier, this command pushes not only local master to remote master, but also to remote synced/master (and similar with other branches). When git-annex pull (or git-annex sync) is later run on the remote, it will merge the synced/ branches that were pushed to it.

Some special remotes allow exporting a tree of files to them (exporttree=yes), and this command can be used to push to those remotes as well as regular git remotes. See git-annex-export(1) for details about how those special remotes work. In order for this command to export to a special remote, remote.<name>.annex-tracking-branch also must be configured, and have the same value as the currently checked out branch.

When git-annex-adjust(1) has been used to check out an adjusted branch, this command will propagate changes that have been made back to the parent branch, without propagating the adjustments.

Normally this tries to upload the content of each annexed file that is in the working tree, to any remote that it's pushing to that does not have a copy. To control which files are uploaded to a remote, configure the preferred content of the remote. When a file is not the preferred content of a remote, or of the local repository, this command will try to drop the file's content. See git-annex-preferred-content(1).


  • [remote]

    By default, this command pushes to all available remotes, except for remotes that have remote.<name>.annex-push (or remote.<name>.annex-sync) set to false or remote.<name>.annex-readonly set to true.

    By specifying the names of remotes (or remote groups), you can control which ones to push to.

  • --fast

    Only push to the remotes with the lowest annex-cost value configured.

    When a list of remotes (or remote groups) is provided, it picks from amoung those, otherwise it picks from amoung all remotes.

  • --only-annex -a, --not-only-annex

    Only push the git-annex branch and annexed content to remotes, not other git branches.

    The annex.synconlyannex configuration can be set to true to make this be the default behavior. To override such a setting, use --not-only-annex.

    When this is combined with --no-content, only the git-annex branch will be pushed.

  • --no-content, -g, --content

    Use --no-content or -g to avoid uploading (and dropping) the content of annexed files.

    If you often use --no-content, you can set the annex.synccontent configuration to false to prevent uploading content by default. The --content option overrides that configuration.

  • --content-of=path -C path

    Only upload (or drop) annexed files in the given path.

    This option can be repeated multiple times with different paths.

    Note that this option does not prevent exporting other files to an "exporttree=yes" remote.

  • --all -A

    Usually this command operates on annexed files in the current branch. This option makes it operate on all available versions of all annexed files (when preferred content settings allow).

    Note that preferred content settings that use include= or exclude= will only match the version of files currently in the work tree, but not past versions of files.

  • --jobs=N -JN

    Enables parallel pushing with up to the specified number of jobs running at once. For example: -J10

    Setting this to "cpus" will run one job per CPU core.

  • --cleanup

    Removes the local and remote synced/ branches, which were created and pushed by git-annex push or git-annex sync. This option prevents all other activities.

    This can come in handy when you've pushed a change to remotes and now want to reset your master branch back before that change. So you run git reset and force-push the master branch to remotes, only to find that the next git annex merge or git annex pull brings the changes back. Why? Because the synced/master branch is hanging around and still has the change in it. Cleaning up the synced/ branches prevents that problem.

  • Also the git-annex-common-options(1) can be used.








Joey Hess

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