This is a summary todo covering several subprojects, which would extend git-annex to be able to use proxies which sit in front of a cluster of repositories.

  1. passthrough proxy
  2. p2p protocol over http
  3. balanced preferred content
  4. track free space in repos via git-annex branch
  5. proving preferred content behavior

table of contents

planned schedule

Joey has received funding to work on this. Planned schedule of work:

  • June: git-annex proxies and clusters
  • July: p2p protocol over http
  • August, part 1: git-annex proxy support for exporttree
  • August, part 2: balanced preferred content
  • October: proving behavior of balanced preferred content with proxies
  • September: streaming through proxy to special remotes (especially S3)

remaining things to do

  • Streaming uploads to special remotes via the proxy. Possibly; if a workable design can be developed. It seems difficult without changing the external special remote protocol, unless a fifo is used. Make ORDERED response in p2p protocol allow using a fifo?

  • Indirect uploads when proxying for special remote is an alternative that would work for OpenNeuro's use case.

  • If not implementing upload streaming to proxied special remotes, this needs to be addressed: When an upload to a cluster is distributed to multiple special remotes, a temporary file is written for each one, which may even happen in parallel. This is a lot of extra work and may use excess disk space. It should be possible to only write a single temp file. (With streaming this wouldn't be an issue.)

completed items for October's work on streaming through proxy to special remotes

  • Stream downloads through proxy for all special remotes that indicate they download in order.
  • Added ORDERED message to external special remote protocol.

completed items for September's work on proving behavior of preferred content

  • Static analysis to detect "not present", "not balanced", and similar unstable preferred content expressions and avoid problems with them.
  • Implemented git-annex sim command.
  • Simulated a variety of repository networks, and random preferred content expressions, checking that a stable state is always reached.
  • Fix bug that prevented anything being stored in an empty repository whose preferred content expression uses sizebalanced. (Identified via git-annex sim)

items deferred until later for balanced preferred content and maxsize tracking

  • The assistant is using NoLiveUpdate, but it should be posssible to plumb a LiveUpdate through it from preferred content checking to location log updating.

  • git-annex info in the limitedcalc path in cachedAllRepoData double-counts redundant information from the journal due to using overLocationLogs. In the other path it does not (any more; it used to), and this should be fixed for consistency and correctness.

  • getLiveRepoSizes has a filterM getRecentChange over the live updates. This could be optimised to a single sql join. There are usually not many live updates, but sometimes there will be a great many recent changes, so it might be worth doing this optimisation. Persistent is not capable of this, would need dependency added on esquelito.

completed items for August's work on balanced preferred content

  • Balanced preferred content basic implementation, including --rebalance option.
  • Implemented track free space in repos via git-annex branch
  • Implemented tracking of live changes to repository sizes.
  • git-annex maxsize
  • annex.fullybalancedthreshhold

completed items for August's work on git-annex proxy support for exporttre

  • Special remotes configured with exporttree=yes annexobjects=yes can store objects in .git/annex/objects, as well as an exported tree.

  • Support proxying to special remotes configured with exporttree=yes annexobjects=yes.

  • post-retrieve: When proxying is enabled for an exporttree=yes special remote and the configured is received, the tree is exported to the special remote.

  • When getting from a P2P HTTP remote, prompt for credentials when required, instead of failing.

  • Prevent updateproxy and updatecluster from adding an exporttree=yes special remote that does not have annexobjects=yes, to avoid foot shooting.

  • Implement git-annex export treeish --to=foo --from=bar, which gets from bar as needed to send to foo. Make post-retrieve use --to=r --from=r to handle the multiple files case.

items deferred until later for p2p protocol over http

  • git-annex p2phttp should support serving several repositories at the same time (not as proxied remotes), so that eg, every git-annex repository on a server can be served on the same port.

  • Support proxying to git remotes that use annex+http urls. This needs a translation from P2P protocol to servant-client to P2P protocol.

  • Should be possible to use a git-remote-annex annex::$uuid url as with using annex+http, and so not need a separate web server to serve the git repository. Doesn't work currently because git-remote-annex urls only support special remotes. It would need a new form of git-remote-annex url, eg: annex::$uuid?annex+

  • git-annex p2phttp could support systemd socket activation. This would allow making a systemd unit that listens on port 80.

completed items for July's work on p2p protocol over http

  • HTTP P2P protocol design p2p protocol over http.

  • addressed ?P2P locking connection drop safety

  • implemented server and client for HTTP P2P protocol

  • added git-annex p2phttp command to serve HTTP P2P protocol

  • Make git-annex p2phttp support https.

  • Allow using annex+http urls in

  • Make http server support proxying.

  • Make http server support serving a cluster.

items deferred until later for passthrough proxy

  • Check annex.diskreserve when proxying for special remotes to avoid the proxy's disk filling up with the temporary object file cached there.

  • Resuming an interrupted download from proxied special remote makes the proxy re-download the whole content. It could instead keep some of the object files around when the client does not send SUCCESS. This would use more disk, but could minimize to eg, the last 2 or so. The design doc has some more thoughts about this.

  • Getting a key from a cluster currently picks from amoung the lowest cost remotes at random. This could be smarter, eg prefer to avoid using remotes that are doing other transfers at the same time.

  • The cost of a proxied node that is accessed via an intermediate gateway is currently the same as a node accessed via the cluster gateway. To fix this, there needs to be some way to tell how many hops through gateways it takes to get to a node. Currently the only way is to guess based on number of dashes in the node name, which is not satisfying.

    Even counting hops is not very satisfying, one cluster gateway could be much more expensive to traverse than another one.

    If seriously tackling this, it might be worth making enough information available to use spanning tree protocol for routing inside clusters.

  • Speed: A proxy to a local git repository spawns git-annex-shell to communicate with it. It would be more efficient to operate directly on the Remote. Especially when transferring content to/from it. But: When a cluster has several nodes that are local git repositories, and is sending data to all of them, this would need an alternate interface than storeKey, which supports streaming, of chunks of a ByteString.

  • Use sendfile() to avoid data copying overhead when receiveBytes is being fed right into sendBytes. Library to use:

  • Support using a proxy when its url is a P2P address. (Eg tor-annex remotes.)

completed items for June's work on passthrough proxy:

  • UUID discovery via git-annex branch. Add a log file listing UUIDs accessible via proxy UUIDs. It also will contain the names of the remotes that the proxy is a proxy for, from the perspective of the proxy. (done)

  • Add git-annex updateproxy command (done)

  • Remote instantiation for proxies. (done)

  • Implement git-annex-shell proxying to git remotes. (done)

  • Proxy should update location tracking information for proxied remotes, so it is available to other users who sync with it. (done)

  • Implement git-annex initcluster and git-annex updatecluster commands (done)

  • Implement cluster UUID insertation on location log load, and removal on location log store. (done)

  • Omit cluster UUIDs when constructing drop proofs, since lockcontent will always fail on a cluster. (done)

  • Don't count cluster UUID as a copy in numcopies checking etc. (done)

  • Tab complete proxied remotes and clusters in eg --from option. (done)

  • Getting a key from a cluster should proxy from one of the nodes that has it. (done)

  • Implement upload with fanout to multiple cluster nodes and reporting back additional UUIDs over P2P protocol. (done)

  • Implement cluster drops, trying to remove from all nodes, and returning which UUIDs it was dropped from. (done)

  • git-annex testremote works against proxied remote and cluster. (done)

  • Avoid git-annex sync --content etc from operating on cluster nodes by default since syncing with a cluster implicitly syncs with its nodes. (done)

  • On upload to cluster, send to nodes where its preferred content, and not to other nodes. (done)

  • Support for clusters. (done)

  • Add git-annex extendcluster command and extend git-annex updatecluster to support clusters with multiple gateways. (done)

  • Support proxying for a remote that is proxied by another gateway of a cluster. (done)

  • Support distributed clusters: Make a proxy for a cluster repeat protocol messages on to any remotes that have the same UUID as the cluster. Needs extension to P2P protocol to avoid cycles. (done)

  • Proxied cluster nodes should have slightly higher cost than the cluster gateway. (done)

  • Basic support for proxying special remotes. (But not exporttree=yes ones yet.) (done)

  • Tab complete remotes in all relevant commands (done)

  • Display cluster and proxy information in git-annex info (done)