
I don't understand how to sync an empty local repository on my local pc with ssh server.

On webfaction distant ssh host, i create a repository in v6 which contain all my file (commited with git commit).

    00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 -- web
    00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 -- bittorrent
    151c9c3c-7bf2-4a06-ab47-38dfd65b0d12 -- reyman64@web504.webfaction.com:~/webdav/bib/seb/pdf-repository [here]

On local pc, i create an empty repository, also in v6, and i configure ssh remote, nammed "pdfwebfaction", so git annex info return this

    00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 -- web
    00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 -- bittorrent
    151c9c3c-7bf2-4a06-ab47-38dfd65b0d12 -- reyman64@web504.webfaction.com:~/webdav/bib/seb/pdf-repository
    9d08d7c0-55da-451e-8ca3-aaa612eefb46 -- reyman@Dunwich:~/Sync/PDF_Webfaction [here]

I want to sync local with this remote branch, and sync content, so i try :

git annex sync pdfwebfaction

Which return :

commit  git-annex: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","commit","-a","-m","git-annex in reyman@Dunwich:~/Sync/PDF_Webfaction"] exited 1

And i also try without success :

git-annex get --from pdfwebfaction

which return an error about uuid, don't understand why because uuid exist for ssh repo :

git-annex: cannot determine uuid for pdfwebfaction (perhaps you need to run "git annex sync"?) (remote.pdfwebfaction.annex-ignore is set)

My git config is :

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
    uuid = 9d08d7c0-55da-451e-8ca3-aaa612eefb46
    version = 6
[filter "annex"]
    smudge = git-annex smudge %f
    clean = git-annex smudge --clean %f
[remote "pdfwebfaction"]
    url = ssh://reyman64@reyman64.webfactional.com:/home/reyman64/webdav/bib/seb/pdf-repository
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/pdfwebfaction/*

There is something i don't understand, and the documentation talk only about ssh associated with a git clone command.

PS : the ssh connection is correct, i test it.