Please describe the problem.

previously reported and partially addressed in here

What steps will reproduce the problem?

try any presumably read-only annex operation (whereis, wanted, etc) on a repository where you have no write permissions.

-c annex.merge-annex-branches=false configuration switch was introduced to allow for running whereis in "read-only" mode. But it requires user knowhow and good memory. It is also inconsistent with how git behaves in that it doesn't require any extra option and just handles it automagically/gracefully.

If git-annex could automagically switch to such mode when encountering read-only repository, may be announcing that on stderr, that would make life so much easier.

Also it seems that some commands are not even fully support it:

[d31548v@discovery7 1076_spacetop]$ git annex wanted here
git-annex: /dartfs/rc/lab/D/DBIC/DBIC/archive/BIDS/Wager/Wager/1076_spacetop/.git/annex: openTempFile template locktmp: permission denied (Permission denied)
git-annex: /dartfs/rc/lab/D/DBIC/DBIC/archive/BIDS/Wager/Wager/1076_spacetop/.git/annex: openTempFile template locktmp: permission denied (Permission denied)
[d31548v@discovery7 1076_spacetop]$ git  -c annex.merge-annex-branches=false annex wanted here

git-annex: /dartfs/rc/lab/D/DBIC/DBIC/archive/BIDS/Wager/Wager/1076_spacetop/.git/annex: openTempFile template locktmp: permission denied (Permission denied)
[d31548v@discovery7 1076_spacetop]$ git annex version | head -n 1
git-annex version: 8.20211117+git14-ge1f38b9dd-1~ndall+1

done --Joey