Please describe the problem.

$> git annex view 'needed-by=*'
view (searching...) fatal: Unable to add (null) to database
fatal: Unable to add (null) to database
fatal: Unable to add (null) to database
fatal: Unable to add (null) to database
fatal: Unable to add (null) to database
fatal: Unable to add (null) to database
fatal: Unable to add (null) to database
fatal: Unable to add (null) to database
fatal: Unable to add (null) to database
fatal: Unable to add (null) to database
fatal: Unable to add (null) to database

git-annex: fd:14: hGetLine: end of file
git-annex: user error (git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","hash-object","-w","--stdin-paths","--no-filters"] exited 128)

$> git annex version           
git-annex version: 6.20180416+gitg86b18966f-1~ndall+1

copy of the repository will be provided via email

fixed --Joey