If I'm not mistaken, the --locked and --unlocked limiting options are intended to work with find --branch, but that leads to empty output in all the cases I've tried.

set -eu

cd "$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/gx-XXXXXXX)"
git init
git annex init

git commit --allow-empty -mc0
echo a >on-master-locked
echo b >on-master-unlocked
git annex add on-master-locked on-master-unlocked
git annex unlock on-master-unlocked
git commit -mc1

git checkout -b other HEAD~
echo c >on-other-locked
echo d >on-other-unlocked
git annex add on-other-locked on-other-unlocked
git annex unlock on-other-unlocked
git commit -mc2

export PS4='$ '
set -x

git symbolic-ref --short HEAD
git annex find
git annex find --locked
git annex find --unlocked

git checkout -

git annex find
git annex find --locked
git annex find --unlocked

git annex find --branch=other
git annex find --branch=other --locked
git annex find --branch=other --unlocked
29  $ git symbolic-ref --short HEAD
30  other
31  $ git annex find
32  on-other-locked
33  on-other-unlocked
34  $ git annex find --locked
35  on-other-locked
36  $ git annex find --unlocked
37  on-other-unlocked
38  $ git checkout -
39  Switched to branch 'master'
40  $ git annex find
41  on-master-locked
42  on-master-unlocked
43  $ git annex find --locked
44  on-master-locked
45  $ git annex find --unlocked
46  on-master-unlocked
47  $ git annex find --branch=other
48  on-other-locked
49  on-other-unlocked
50  $ git annex find --branch=other --locked
51  $ git annex find --branch=other --unlocked

Lines 29-49 show the output I expected. On the other hand, I thought the last two lines, which combine --branch with --locked and --unlocked, would show the same output as lines 35 and 37.

I dug a bit hoping I could figure out what was going on, but I haven't had any luck so far.

Thanks in advance.

fixed --Joey