Please describe the problem.

Recent git-annex release triggered a number of datalad test fails.

One of them is attempted to workaround in datalad/pull/6510 is due to the fact that annex find did not only change its output (which seems to ignore having --json --json-error-messages and not providing json records with errors) but also not even exiting no longer with non-0 exit code:

$> git annex find --copies 0 --json --json-error-messages qwdqwd csdc
error: pathspec 'qwdqwd' did not match any file(s) known to git
error: pathspec 'csdc' did not match any file(s) known to git
Did you forget to 'git add'?

$> echo $?

$> git annex version
git-annex version: 10.20220222+git23-g51c528980-1~ndall+1

fixed --Joey